Parents on training in Cyprus
Even though it's summer, Blue Firefly is constantly working to improve the quality of life for children with autism spectrum disorders and their families. In the period from the 25th to the 29th of July, a training was held in Nicosia (Cyprus) for parents who have children with autism spectrum disorders within the project Positive Parenting (P+) funded by the Erasmus Plus program.
The aim of the training was to acquire knowledge and skills to apply ABA techniques in the home. Each country partner in the project held a training in its domain. During 5 days, parents and trainers had the opportunity to discuss the materials that have been created during the project, such as the parent’s guide, the mobile learning application and the online platform. All of them will be available in the Macedonian language through the project’s website.
Исто така, родителите од сите партнерски организации имаа можности да се дружат, да Also, parents from all partner organizations had opportunities to make friends, exchange opinions and share their own experiences. The next phase of the project will be the promotion of the website at a public event for which we will announce details soon.
Уште еднаш се потврди дека соработката помеѓу родителите и професионалците е бесценета алка во креирање и Once again, it was confirmed that the cooperation between parents and professionals is a priceless in creating and implementing the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders.
In addition to work activities, we had the opportunity to take advantage of the beautiful weather and positive energy and visit several cultural and historical landmarks of Cyprus as well as some of the popular tourist spots.
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