
Our team of specialized educators and rehabilitators offers training for professionals.

trainings for


The association organises training for teachers from mainstream schools and other people who have not previously attended specific education on autism spectrum disorders. The purpose of the training for teachers is to acquire skills for recognizing autism spectrum disorders, and to provide an introduction to the characteristics of children with autism and the motivation for their behaviour, as well as basic guidelines to support good practice when working with students with autism. Today we meet more and more children with autism spectrum disorders in mainstream schools. The aim is to distinguish what inclusion really means and how the curriculum can be adapted according to the interests and capabilities of the student with autism. 

trainings for

Employees in preschool

The aim of training for the еmployees in preschool is to help them in adapting the physical space and materials and developing appropriate skills for including children with autism in the group. In addition, part of the training is dedicated to issues regarding care about nutrition, sleep and toilet habits in children with autism spectrum disorders.

trainings for


These training sessions are focused on specific topics. The aim is to enrich and deepen the knowledge and skills of professionals who have experience and skills about autism spectrum disorders. Covered topics include: scheduling, sensory circles, video modeling, stress management etc.

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